티스토리 뷰


인천공항에서는 영어가 필요하지 않지만, 해외 공항에서는 간단한 영어가 필요합니다.

이때, 할수 있는 영어회화표현을 알아보자.

해외여행시 공항에서 사용할 간단한 영어회화는?




탑승전까지 전반적인 사항

1.항공사 카운터 찾기

Excuse me, Where is the North West counter?

Excuse me, Where is the (North West:항공사명) counter?

Is this the right counter for North West Flight 207

Is this the right counter for (North West Flight 207:항공사, 편명)

2.항공사 카운터에서 체크인

I'd like to check in, please. 

Will this flight leave on time?

When is my departure time?

How long will it be delayed?

What is the reason for the delay?

이 비행기는 정시에 출발할까요?

출발 시간은 언제입니까?

얼마나 지연될까요?

지연되는 이유는 무엇입니까?

A ticket for a window seat, please.

A ticket for an aisle seat, please.

창가 좌석 티켓 주세요.

통로쪽 좌석 티켓 주세요.

Emergency Exit Seat

비상구 좌석

Bulkhaed Seat


3.수화물의 중량초과시

Please weight your baggage.

Would you please put all your luggage on the scale.

Are they overweight?

How much is the extra charge?

짐의 무게를 달아주세요.

모든 짐을 저울에 올려 주시겠습니까?


추가요금은 얼마인가요?

4.보안 검색대를 지날 때

Put all carry on baggage on the conveyor, please.

Please empty your pockets and go through

Could you open your bag?

모든 휴대 수하물을 컨베이어에 올려주세요.

주머니를 비우고 통과하십시오

가방을 열어 주실래요?

기내에서 필요한 표현

1.좌석을 변경하고 싶을때

I'd like to change a seat if possible

One of our tour group members has acrophobia

가능하면 자리를 바꾸고 싶습니다.

투어 그룹 멤버 중 한 명이 고소공포증이 있습니다.

acrophobia 고소공포증

2.음료 및 식사서비스

Could you give us someting to drink?

Do you have any soft drinks?

Please return your seat to the upright position.

Would you pull out your table?

Which would you like, chicken or beef?

마실 것 좀 주실래요?

청량 음료가 있습니까?

좌석을 똑바로 세우십시오.

테이블을 꺼내시겠습니까?

닭고기와 쇠고기 중 어느 것을 원하십니까?

Do you have any fish?

One of our members is a vegetarian.

당신은 어떤 물고기가 있습니까?

우리 회원 중 한 명이 채식주의자입니다.

3.담요와 기내 영화 서비스

May I have a blanket, please?

How can I turn off this light?

Could you bring me some headphones?

담요 좀 주시겠어요?

이 조명을 어떻게 끌 수 있습니까?

헤드폰 좀 가져다 주시겠어요?


How long does the flight take?

What's the time difference between Seoul and Chicago?

비행시간은 얼마나 걸리나요?

서울과 시카고의 시차는?


Please fasten your seat belt. We're going to land now.

Please remain in your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.

안전벨트를 착용해 주십시오. 이제 착륙할 예정입니다.

기체가 완전히 멈출 때까지 자리에 앉아 계십시오.

항공기내 방송-기체가 흔들릴 때

Ladies and gentleman, this is your captin speaking.

We expect to have some turblence in a few minutes.

Please return to your seat and fasten the seat belt.

We will be out of this turbulent area in about 20 minutes.

Thank you.

신사숙녀 여러분, 저는 여러분의 기장입니다.

몇 분 안에 난기류가 발생할 것으로 예상됩니다.

자리로 돌아가 안전벨트를 매 주십시오.

우리는 약 20분 안에 이 격동(난기류)의 지역을 벗어날 것입니다.


검역과 통관수속


Could you show me your health card?

Please proceed to the passport check.

건강 카드를 보여 주시겠어요?

여권검사를 진행해주세요.


May I see your passport, please?

Where are you from?

How many people are there in your party?(Thirty, including me.)

What's the purpose of your visit? (Plaesure.)

How long are you going to stay in America?(We will stay here about 3 weeks.)

Where are you going to stay?

여권 좀 보여 주시겠어요?

어디서 오셨나요?

일행은 몇 명인가요?(나 포함 30명)

방문 목적이 무엇입니까? (기쁨.)

미국에 얼마나 머무를 예정인가요?(약 3주 정도 머무를 예정입니다.)

어디서 머물 거에요?


Do you have anything to declare?

(No. nothing to declare. There are 30 people in my group.)

Do you have any plants or animals?

Open your baggage, please.

That is my heart medicine.

신고 할게 아무것도 없습니까?

(아니요. 선언할 것이 없습니다. 제 그룹에는 30명이 있습니다.)

식물이나 동물이 있습니까?

수하물을 열어주세요.

그것은 나의 심장약입니다.

medicine-치료가 목적인 의약품

This is medicine for a cold

drug-마약의 의미가 강함

4.짐 분실 시

My baggage hasn't arrived yet

(Which flight?) The flight number is KE 234, from Incheon.

Did it have your name and address on it?

Can you fill out this form?

내 수하물이 아직 도착하지 않았습니다.

(어떤 비행기?) 인천에서 오는 편명은 KE 234입니다.

이름과 주소가 적혀 있었나요?

이 양식을 작성할 수 있습니까?

Lost and Found (분실물 센터)

Lost Property Office(유실물 보관소)

A ticket for an aisle seat please.

How much is the extra charge?

통로쪽 좌석 티켓 주세요.

추가요금은 얼마인가요?
